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Washington's senseless war causes the American public to rebel

Original article:

Szilaj Csikó, 29.09.2022.

We are faced with the difficult situation that in order to ensure that the readership of Szilaj Csikó receives the most comprehensive information possible, we have to constantly communicate the opinions of the "other side" to the public. When the foreign media and the vast majority of Hungarian news sources report the same "boring and meaningless" news, readers who have grown up with this kind of news may rightly think that we are some kind of "eternal resisters". But this is far from being the case.

Every morning, I too suffer through these boring, often tiresomely one-sided news items, or 'commissioned' by political narratives. I only do this 'self-torture' to see what they are trying to 'dazzle' the better-off public with that day. So I am already looking for news and analyses that present events from a different perspective, searching my own sources.

The American and British intelligentsia alike know that they are using their countries' resources for something terribly evil, and they are severely critical of their own governments accordingly. These opinions are not getting through to Europe very much, which means to me that although these two powers are paying the price in this 'grand conspiracy',

Europe's intellectual elites are far more treacherous than the British and the Americans.

The Americans know full well that they are supporting Ukraine with money that does not actually exist. According to Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, it is not only our eastern neighbour that is in debt as a result of the conflict, but also the US, and indeed European countries are using similar financial engineering to support the escalation of the war.

No nation state stands to gain from this.

In the United States, it is already a 'tradition' that overspending puts the financial viability of the state at risk. This week, too, the federal state has reached the point where it has had to restart the bank run to avoid default, and the vote to do so has been cleverly linked to aid for Ukraine.

What does this mean? It means that by linking the two packages

US lawmakers had no choice: either overthrow the US state or support Ukraine.

It is amazing that what is happening now is so important to the 'world elite' that even in America they are asking people these questions.

The Republicans are becoming increasingly nuanced about the war, and it is inevitable that the direction of US policy will change after the forthcoming elections. Biden's popularity is below the frog's arse. There is a growing resurgence of voices calling for solutions to domestic problems rather than foreign policy run amok

And these intellectuals who are making their voices heard are not just anybody, and they are not just publishing their views anywhere.

Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute,

A former special adviser to Reagan, for example, recently wrote that "we should not let Ukraine into NATO or 'NATO Plus', and we should not make the mistake of seeking some special status for it.

He also writes for leading newspapers such as Fortune magazine, the National Interest, the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Times. Bandow has been a regular commentator for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

Diana Johnstone writes about the danger of using American help to revive the spirit of the formerly aggressive German Drang nach Ostent and revivalism in Eastern Europe.

Ray McGovern, who in his 27-year career as a CIA analyst has served as head of the Soviet foreign policy division and as a preparer and spokesman for several US presidential daily briefings, writes that the US left-wing press wants to prevent Biden from taking the only sensible action: 'tell Zelensky to stop the extremist rhetoric and talk to the Russians'.

According to former CIA analysts, the New York Times must be afraid that an "adult" will accidentally walk into the Oval Office and make President Biden realise that: he should not let himself be constantly bullied by Zelensky and his neocon supporters; that despite recent successes in the war, Ukraine cannot win the war. McGovern is also confident that

the US cannot seriously "weaken" Russia without risking a wider war.

Even before the attack on the pipeline, the analyst said that German politicians might not be able to resist opening the Nord Stream 2 pipeline because of sanctions.

James W Carden, former adviser to the US-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission at the US State Department, in his paper "Road to war in Ukraine: fact versus fiction", argues that Putin's invasion should be condemned, but that it is mean to downplay the role of Western provocations.

Carden says there is simply no "tolerably accurate" assessment of the war in Ukraine - not just of the current situation, but of how the world got to this point. He is also harshly critical of the US press: "It is a slight exaggeration to say that in the United States, the most widely seen and read media outlets, the coverage and analysis of the war is about as diverse as, say, in North Korea."

Francis Fukuyama, author of The End of History and the Last Man, argues that while "Putin undoubtedly did not like the idea of Ukraine joining NATO, that was not the real motive for the war".


And they are not alone in their opinions.

Nearly 60 per cent of Americans would support diplomatic efforts by the United States to end the war in Ukraine "as soon as possible", even if it means Ukraine having to make concessions to Russia, a new poll shows.

The poll, conducted by Data for Progress on behalf of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, also found that a majority (49 percent) say the Biden administration and Congress have not done enough diplomatically to help end the war (37 percent say they have). The poll was released after Vladimir Putin mobilized reservists. The survey also showed that 47 percent said they would support continued US military aid to Ukraine only if Washington is involved in ongoing diplomatic negotiations to end the war, while 41 percent said they would support aid regardless of whether the US is involved in the negotiations. Just six percent said Russia's war in Ukraine is among the top three concerns for the United States. The top three are inflation (46 percent), jobs and the economy (31 percent), and armed violence (26 percent).

We here at the Szilaj Csikó think it's time to publish the analyses of as many Western thinkers as possible to counter the war propaganda that is flooding the European press.

Our new series is entitled America's senseless war.

We hope that our readers will welcome articles on ending the war, recognising the responsibility of each power, the possibilities for peace and the need for a victory of conscience.

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