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Hungarians had a unique answer to the recent attacks against world number 1 unvaccinated tennis star

A large number of Hungarians have begun a peaceful, politically unaligned movement in order to show their respect and solidarity towards the Serbian athlete. They filled the streets of Budapest with tennis balls and are waiting to see how far and wide these balls will bounce.

Novak Djokovic has been honored once again, but this time for his actions outside of the tennis court. No, it’s not for being the world number 1 ranked tennis player for 311 weeks. Neither is it because he donated millions of dollars towards health research. Nor is it because he promoted the wellbeing of children, or any of the other noble causes he has supported.

This time, he won the people’s respect for staying true to his principles. He stayed his course even after being systematically kicked out of the Australian Open thereby depriving him the opportunity to defend his title and even knowing full well that he would NOT be allowed to play in the French Open either. He stayed his ground even after the COVIDite Australian government declared war against him. Neither did he falter when countless competitors chose to verbally berate him because they were too afraid to meet him face to face on court. He stayed loyal to his cause, even after he was attacked worldwide by the main stream media with a well-planned and orchestrated smear campaign.

And what was his sin? He chose not to be vaccinated. It looks like Hungarians that have balls stand with NoVax Novak Djokovic.


The movement can be joined via #wehaveballs. Send similar pictures to email address:

They will be posting at and at they are censored and taken down.


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